Lake Margaret |
Date: August 3, 2019
Place: Lake Margaret, Kirkwood, California
Coordinates: 38.704396, -120.069563
Length: about 5.5 miles round trip
Level: moderate +
A few months ago when I was just beginning to formulate my annual backpacking trip I saw an announcement on the California Native Plants Society page about a botanical guided hike planned in the area of Kirkwood on the Saturday of August 3, right at the end of the week I had planned my backpacking on. I did a quick assessment in my mind and promptly signed up to participate in that hike.
And so, after completing a wonderful five-days backpacking trip in Yosemite my friend and I drove up to Kit Carson Campground where we had spent the night before the group hike and, on the following morning drove up to the small Lake Margaret parking lot off rte 88.
Near the Trailhead
A small group of people was already waiting at the parking lot. We had a short round of introduction, then headed off to the trail right away.
The hike as was captured by my GPS |
Knowing nothing about the trail (I failed to do my homework ...) I wondered aloud how long is the hike expected to be. The tail, I was told, is not very long - just under 3 miles one way. but we're botanists, and we walk slow because we stop at each flower, I was informed.
Dwarf Larkspur, Delphinium depauperatum |
I immediately felt comfortable with this group of people I have just met for the first time.
Broad leaf Lupine, Lupinus latifolius |
The trail goes up and down a lot, over rocky ridges and through small meadows and patches of forest, and a small creek here and there, flanked by wetland areas.
California Corn Lily, Veratrum californicum var. californicum |
The official botanist of the group kept pointing at plants and reciting their latin names. I tried walking close to him so I could catch those names but in the end I could only remember a few, meaning at home afterwords I had to look everything up again. This one I did remember, and when fruiting it is quite memorable:
Twinberry, Lonicera involucrata |
He said to stop when we see something interesting ... so we stopped a lot.
Sierra Tiger Lily, Lilium parvum |
In between the blooming meadows we crossed some rocky ridges. That involved some rock scrambling and occasionally when I got separated from the leaders, trying to guess where the trail continued. Every now and then I would raise my gaze from the ground and the wildflowers and took in the view of the surroundings. Having spent the previous five days in Yosemite's high country didn't diminish any of the area's striking beauty in my eyes.
But then again, wildflowers were the main item on my agenda for this hike.
Pretty Face, Triteleia ixioides |
Our group wasn't big yet soon we stretched over a big distance with large gaps in between. The botanist lingered with the slow people and elaborated on the wildflowers we've seen on the way.
Dusky Onion, Allium campanulatum |
So, by the time we arrived at the first crossing of Caples Creek most of our group had already crossed it and continued on.
But those of us who took it slow were treated to a pretty flower, one which Ive never seen in bloom before: Lewis' Monkeyflower. Not long ago all monkey flowers were grouped in the Mimulus genus. Recently however, they were split into several genera and now I have a hard time figuring out which is what. I was glad to have been told the species name of this one.
Lewis' Monkeyflower, Erythranthe lewisii |
Near the water were also much more common wildflowers. I usually don't even try to identify yellow composites to the species level but once again the botanist came to my aid, divulging the plant's identity.
Groundsel, Senecio triangularis |
We crossed the creek and followed the group. At that point we were walking in the shade of a nice conifer patch and the forest floor was matted with the small, velvety lupine that I've seen in Yosemite on my backpacking trip.
Brewer's Lupine, Lupinus breweri |
By the time we caught up with the people before us we had all come to stop: someone had spotted a small patch of coral root orchid and everyone circled the plants to get a good look and if possible, good photos too.
Summer Coral Root, Corallorhiza maculata |
A little further we were out of the forest and in a lovely meadow lit with sunshine and painted with bright-colored wildflowers.
Soon our group stretched into a long string of people again, each of us looking at different plants.
Alpine Shooting star, Primula tetrandra |
An important goal of this hike was to learn to use the Claflora app to upload plant observations to the Calflora website. Because I use Calflora frequently to identify plants I thought it would be a good idea to learn to contribute. Besides, how often do I get a chance to hike with wildflowers expects?
Sierra Beardstongue, Penstemon heterodoxus |
I sure made a good use of the experts' presence and willingness to educate me. But I couldn't get anyone else in the group excited about the grasses and sedges I saw. I do think they're beautiful, though.
Having hiked this trail before, the group's botanist knew where to find wildflowers off the trail and he beaconed us to follow him to the base if the rocks to take a closer look at some of them.
Pink Alumroot, Heuchera rubescens |
By the time I saw some paintbrush plants across the meadow the group had already moved on, so I took a quick shot and run after them.
Scarlet Paintbrush, Castilleja miniata |
Caples Creek makes a wide arch and we crossed it again a second time. All the crossing were on fallen logs, strategically places across the stream. It was far easier todo this without the huge backpack that I had to carry for the previous 5 days!
Crossing Caples Creek |
The meadow on the other side was much wider. The botanist took the group aside to show them a patch of lousewort flowers. My friend and I stayed behind to spray ourselves - the mosquitoes were much more numerous here than anywhere else along the trail.
Going off trail to see wildflowers |
Soon after we rejoined the group in admiring the lousewort flowers too.
Little Elephantshead, Pedicularis attollens ssp. attollens |
Back in the forest we stopped for a brief snack and water break and chat to get to know each other better.
Oceanspray, Holodiscus discolor |
I tried to take mostly people-free photos but at times it was quite challenging, because there were many other hikers on the trail that day, including two large groups of boyscout backpackers, one returning from the lake after having spent the night there, and another just going in.
There were many other hikers there as well, and some had dogs with them. I was fortunate to hava had the chance to photograph some of the multitudes of butterflies that were flying all over the place.
One can imagine that with all the wildflowers blooming there would be a lot of butterflies (as well as other pollinators) flying around. There weren't sitting still though. The heat and the presence of so many active people and dogs walking on the trail (or off it) had limited my chances of getting good butterfly shots. I did manage a few, though. What was impossible however, was to get a butterfly-free photo of the coyote mint, which was very prevalent and in peak bloom too. Well, I didn't try too hard at that :-)
Coyote Mint, Monardella villose |
The Penstemon genus is a large one, with many species look very much like one another, and having an expert botanist in the group was really helpful. This one is another wildflower I'd have never been able to identify by myself:
Regel's Mountain penstemon, Penstemon roezlii |
We were getting near our destination but first had to go up another, higher rocky ridge. I love the sleek granite slabs of the High Sierra and admire the majestic trees that take root and thrive in the thin crevices of the hard rock.
Passing a small forest pond I stopped to look at the perfect reflection of the calm water.
The wetland surrounding the pond was another colorful bed of colorful mountain wildflowers.
Brewer's Fleabane, Erigeron breweri |
Here too I was grateful for the presence of our group's botanist to show me the differences between two species of yellow monkey flowers that to see looked all the same ... I hope I got their names memorized correctly.
Larger Mountain Monkeyflower, Erythranthe tilingii |
Not all monkey flowers are the same, even if they look alike.
Primrose Monkeyflower, Erythranthe primuloides |
We came upon Kitrkwood Creek. The trail followed the creek for some distance and we enjoyed the lush riparian vegetation that grew on its banks.
Near the creek - a familiar mountain shrub, the rose meadowsweet in bright pink bloom and lots of bugs buzzing around it.
Rose Meadowsweet, Spiraea splendens |
Our botanist identified for us a pretty red flower that someone in our group had spotted. Many of us got close to take good image, one good enough to upload to Calflora.
Scarlet Gilia, Ipomopsis aggregata
The scarlet gilia was very pretty but there was a lot more excitement over a single mariposa lily that was spotted near our trail. Many of our group lined up to take a close up photo of the lily. I had seen many of them on my preceding backpacking trip so I settled for photographing the photographers :-)
Leichtlin's Mariposa Lily, Calochortus leichtlinii |
We arrived at the crossing of Kirkwood Creek. A large group of boycott backpackers filed along the log bridge and balanced one by one across the stream.
Meanwhile our much smaller group assembled on the side of the trail and looked at what was blooming nearby.
Streamside Bluebells, Mertensia ciliata |
Of those there were many. Group participants who had done this very same hike at this exact time of year last year said that there were much fewer wildflowers then. This year the snow stuck late and everything was peaking when we were there.
Sierra Larkspur, Delphinium glaucum |
It was really very fortunate. In fact, one of my challenges was to keep this post to an acceptable size - many good wildflower photos had to be cut from this post.
Horse Mint, Agastache urticifolia |
But although this was a wildflower hike, the trees captivated me just the same.
The last part of our trail ascended up through a crevice in a a steep rock face. From there we descended in a single file into the basin of Lake Margaret. (Full view of the lake at the top of this post).
Lake Margaret, view from above |
There were many people at the shores of the lake. Most of the shoreline was rocky and set well above the water. We found a low rocky ledge and sat down to have lunch. While all the day hikers in our group had sandwiches and snacks, all my friend and I had was backpackers food. We therefore pulled out the stove, filled a pot with lake water, and cooked a tasty hot chilly and miso soup. While cooking I kept my attention on the pretty blue damselflies that swooped by, and caught some of them on camera as they came to rest.
Damselflies |
A few people were swimming in the far side of the lake. The water must have been cold otherwise I thought there would be more swimmers on such a warm day.
A mamma mallard swam by, accompanied by three ducklings. They didn't come too close and i was glad to see that they didn't seem habituated on human food. I didn't see any other waterfowl.
Mamma Mallard and one of the three ducklings I saw with her |
Our group leader didn't waste any time. She disappeared behind a bush and returned wearing swimsuit and goggles, and she was holding an underwater phone case. Without further ado she jumped into the water and started swimming away. Her goal was to find and photograph a rare water plant, the white-stemmed pondweed.
Our hike's organizer diving for White-stemmed Pondweed |
She had done several dives, changing to another phone case and also trying an underwater go pro camera, and got some nice photos of the water plant. I regretted having missed in her email the part about bringing swimwear, the water looked so inviting!
After getting photos to her satisfaction she joined us on the rock ledge to have her own lunch and dry up before changing clothes again. It was a beautiful, calm time of day and I gazed onto the water and daydreamed.
Our way back from the lake was much quicker. Naturally, we did not stop an each wildflower we saw, having appreciated them all on the way in. I did however, take the opportunity to get another try at flowers that I didn't think I captured well the first time.
Monkshood, Aconitum columbianum |
Now that it was past mid day the trail seemed more quiet. We run into fewer people on our way back, but some of them were known to people in our group so everyone stopped to have a chat. Me and my friend too got into more social and less plant-focused chats with other group members. It was an easy and relaxing hike.
Not that we neglected the wildflowers - I spotted a pine wood lousewort that was in bloom and pointed it out to the others. This we've seen on the way in were not yet in bloom and it was nice to see one that was.
Pine Woods Lousewort, Pedicularis semibabata |
And I didn't forget the trees. Not the big and majestic ones,
Sierra Juniper, Juniperus grandis |
And not the small, shrublike ones.
Huckleberry Oak, Quercus vacciniifolia
It seemed easier scrambling down the rocks rather than going up. This time also, I found myself in the group's lead, pressing on forward. Now I wanted to finish the hike quickly because I hoped to get back to the Bay Area in time to pick up my elder chika from her 4H camp drop off place and space Pappa Quail the extra trip.
But eagerness to get home did not come in place of wanting to stay some more in the mountains. I wish I could.
Mushroom |
It was my first time joining a botanical group hike. I learned a lot and met nice, knowledgeable people who share a similar passion with me. We had a fantastic weather and were fortunate to be there at peak bloom.
I also learned about this beautiful trail and the lovely lake at its end. I don't know that I would have ever found out about it by myself. The trail is beautiful, and while fairly well marked, it is quite rugged at places and involved creek crossing on fallen log bridges and some scrambling up and down rocks. It's well worth the time to go and explore this pretty corner of the forest.
Coming up to the trailhead |
I was sorry to say goodbye so quickly. This hike was the perfect encore of a beautiful and adventurous backpacking trip about which I will post later this year. I have been uploading photos to Calflora since and I hope to go once again on one of those organized botanical hikes!
Many thanks to Cynthia, Matt, and Mona of Calflora for organizing this hike and for sharing their immense knowledge and love of wildflowers with us!